Saturday, March 20, 2010

You say today Mr. President; we made Historic Votes for Social Security and Civil Rights and the Voting Rights Act, one making sure our elderly can live out their year… not in poverty and the others, making sure all Americans are treated equal in the eyes of the law… well, well, well, so what was the recent Senate vote for the present disparity of the American law for Powder Cocaine and Crack Cocaine, how has that LAW, LAWS ever been equal in the eyes of the law for all… all Americans?


Bruce H. Scroggins

I ask this and I want an answer, please sir, please answer this, it important and the right thing has been long in waiting for thousands of Americans and millions are waiting for equal JUSTICE.

At last count 75 Thousand Americans have been unjustly sentenced, under these unequal Laws and minorities have been, grossly subject too these disparity in American LAWS.

I ask you, no, no I demand the Laws be equal, no more incremental changes like the 100 to 1 disparity suffered by Americans, to the unequal 18 to 1, it is still a weak continuance of UNEQUAL JUSTICE and it shall not stand any longer, I’ am holding my elected representatives too this equal justice for all standard, for every American under LAW.

Unequal justice for one, for any American is Injustice for ALL Americans. If you’ve come too, 18 to 1, from 100 to 1, you can got the rest of the way too EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL AMERICANS, the 17 points to equal and it petty if you cannot go the whole way too equal justice.

Get the 17 points done, NOW

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