Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Big Question: When did experience become a Liability?

THE BIG QUESTION: When did experience become a big liability? Here’s your answer.


By Bruce H. Scroggins

Bill Clinton and Hilary and Richardson, have ask this question, or said as much in protestation, during this season and it has come up more and more, well I believe someone needs to answer this question, out in the open.

Since 2000, Democrats and Independents have watched in horror, as Bush and Republicans ram through policy after policy, Tax cut after tax cuts, all to the rich, listen to promise after promise followed by, failure after failure, domestic programs for the poor and the middle class cut to the bone and taxed to the hilt, watched health Insurance go up and all put on the workers, by the tax (cutted) rich employers, watched the new 110th Congress, in thin control of Democrats… Now let say this right… CAVE, FOLD, CONPITULATE, ENABLE, GO BACK ON PROMISES, MAKE EXCUSE after EXCUSE for why Traditional long time, EXPERIENCED Democratic leadership, fail to … DELIVER.


America is up to HERE with experience, you have continued the STATUS QUO and were sick to the MOON, with the same old, Washington, were sick of Democrats, in name only. When you say your going to fight and you don’t fight, when the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Rule of Law is folded, spindled and mutilated, and your answer to us, about impeachment is; it’s a distraction and, I don’t want to be seen as “partisan,” what your saying to those who elected you is, I won’t follow the “Rule of law” I refuse to do what you want me to do and you can’t make me.

Well yes we can, it’s called a primary and a GENERAL ELECTION and your, so out of here, yes you did some good things, but that is not the grounds for you now tell us, I know better than you and you have to back me, no we don’t and you will get the … NO WE DON”T.

And no Obama did not compare you too them, Hilary, he did how ever compare your; I did this good and that good, but when we speak of your failure, you don’t want us to count that, only what was good, no we will show your complicity in how things are NOW and if your weak, your weak NOW. We will hold you accountable, we will change.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Our Black Males need their Dads, they need a father

Our Black Youth are GRIEVING for their lack of fathers, the highest title and authority any and every man can have, is to be a father.

By Bruce H. Scroggins


The destruction of the Black Family began with the Black male, or the black male was the target of the destruction. America’s families were created to sustain a village, a community, a race, a people, a nation. The domino effect of the destruction of the male, the black male, is and will be the downfall, ultimately of any nation, or race, or people.
2.2 million Of incarcerated humans, are just under 1 million black males, all since the Brown V Board of Education came down:

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954),[1] is a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court, which overturned earlier rulings going back to Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, by declaring that state laws which established separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities. Handed down on May 17, 1954, the Warren Court's unanimous (9-0) decision stated, in no uncertain terms, that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." As a result, de jure racial segregation was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, this victory thereby paving the way for integration and the Civil Rights Movement.

A village, a community, a race, a people cannot stand, if the family is not kept intake, with in the Community, all will fall apart, or succumb to all sorts of devastation, from predatory attacks of all kinds, the absence of guidance, the lack of love, the lack of foundation, from the adults who brought you into life, is devestating.

Youth look first to those responsible for them being alive, they first look to the Father and the Mother, the parental unit is designed to nurture, protect, lead, teach and guide the child from there vulnerable state of childhood, into, boyhood, or girlhood and is their when young womanhood and young manhood, to young adulthood, to manhood and womanhood, each of these “hoods,” and the parent uses boundaries and love to teach, it is require for a child’s development.

A healthy child’s development, must be First for the parents and for the community, it is required, in a large number, for the majority today and in ever increasing and in even greater numbers, instead of the shrinking numbers as it is today.

1/3 of the homeless today, are black males and the majority of black males come out of jails, unable, to get a job, or start a family. Yes systemic cause are at the roots, but the part a father has and is most crucial is, he must stand his ground and position, regardless of the systemic catalyst, like racism, and hopelessness, drug dealing and using, father less love, rudderless families, our leading our black males to and through a loveless life, waiting to go to jail or worst death, thinking materialism and being abusive misogynist, wearing bling, riding on 26’ dubs, is an answer.

A father is a higher Authority and title than the CEO, of GM, or being President of the United States of America, or the greatest Rapper the world has ever heard, or the greatest Basketball Player, or Football Player, fathers are Hero’s, even the father, who has paid a societal price, for their choices and comes back to the community looking to make a difference has a place, America cannot afford to lose another generation of Black males and we must redeem the males we have, we must provide a way and a place for them to show up.

This a clarion call; No more losing parental guidance, no more separations, the Stepfathers, Godfathers, Grandfathers, Uncles, all the ways down to, yes I repeat the Uncles, they must be brought into the place of leadership in our families, in our Communities, in the village, yes in you and me.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Where is the Leadership?

Where is the Leadership?

By: Gayle Smaller


We as black Americans in the Twin Cities are in a state of emergency and all of our citizens seem to be aware of this fact except the so-called leaders of the black community. We have old leadership and new leadership, but they all seem concerned with the same problem; how to get their organizations funding and their names in the news for some random act of mock leadership. We as blacks in Minnesota are under constant attack from the same sources that are supposed to be serving us.

We are under attack by the police department, miss-educated by the school systems (if educated at all), bounced around from agency to agency and pimped by social service…

So, I ask where is the leadership?

Minneapolis, over the past thirty years, has been a city that has hand picked the leaders for the community. Minnesota has strategically chosen who to fund, as well as whose face to put the microphone in. During this time, a great number of our so-called leaders have slipped on the pay off, and many act as snitches.

Where were these individuals when the police shot Abuka Sanders? Where were they when they were jacking Natalie's downtown district? Where were they when Code FORE was being passed? We have been dealing with these same sellouts over the last twenty years and nothing has come from it except a couple new programs receiving funding that nobody seems to have heard of in the community.

We need leaders that can stay in touch with the street and communicate with the young brothers and sisters, not these wannabe little Jesse Jackson's posing as pastors, educators and activists with one true motive—to pimp those in need of help and direction. We as concerned citizens can no longer allow these buffoons to be in charge of our communities, which have only declined since they have been in the positions to lead.

The community is a reflection of its leadership, and our communities are falling apart. The drug corners are over populated, the prisons and county jails are full of young black men who have no role models to turn to or leaders that they can count on for help or guidance. We are in need of programs that are concerned with more than funding. If we continue to let these house niggers lead us, they will lead us right back into slavery.

As fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, it is hard to find time to be active in our community but we must realize that if we do not find time we will have nothing to look forward to in the future. We must find time to be active because preserving the community is our responsibility. Although are leadership has been shady, it is our fault as well for not holding them accountable for their actions.